Friday, May 11, 2007


Well, The Gothic Gourmet has a new best friend called TOAST.

After traveling to Canada, I returned to my requisite bout of Bronchidis. This time though, after two days of improvement, I took a turn for the worst. Finally I went to the doctor and received three prescriptions: an antibiotic, a decongestant, and a cough suppressant (pill). With these, I am ordered to get rest and drink lots of warm fluids.

But after being on the meds for two days, I realized that I was in deparate need of bland, mild foods that offered sustenance and a cushion for my stomach. Toast is the best as it is mild, yet absorbent. My other favorite... and many have read my articles on it... is oatmeal. This time it is thinned with milk and helps so much.

It is a fascinating accompaniment to my current reading. I found an old, OLD book on what to feed the infirmed. How interesting it is to learn about preparations that are not as common now -- like Milk Toast!

I will write to you all more about these things when I am feeling better.

For now though, heed my words: if you suspect that your cough is more violent that it should be, go to the doctor. The earlier you get help, the less the duration of illness.

And be well!