LET'S START WITH CURLINGAs the MoPac Women's Club National Play-downs approach, and after the constant eating, entertaining, and gift-grabbing, I am finally am to concentrate on once again training for Curling.
* It began with water. I have been considerably dehydrated as of late and thus must forego the Champagne for that which is more cleansing
* The gym work-out. I am fortunate to be able to dedicate 45 minutes (occasionally more) to the gym five days per week. While I had Physical Therapy, there were few movements that I could achieve but now I am excited to be able to use the treadmill, weight machines, and free weights
* Head in the game. I bought the book, BETWEEN THE SHEETS. It's about building a championship Curling team - and a primary component seems to the role each member plays and the related team dynamics
* Choices, choices. It's time that I get serious. I need to purchase an appropriate "uniform-style" outfit. As well, I need to purchase replacements slider disks and consider my next evolution of curling shoes
MAGAZINE ARTICLES LOOMINGI've been working on several magazine articles and am finally making good progress. So what is the problem? Well, communication for one thing. Two of these publishers have been slow in communicating -- and that is a distraction for me.
EPISODES AND PODCASTSImmediately after the Play-downs on the weekend of Jan 20-21, 2007 in Seattle, the plan is that I will promptly begin filming new episodes of THE GOTHIC GOURMET and soon after THE GOTHIC GOURMET PODCAST. The Podcast is a new venture that has long been in the works. I'm excited by the prospect and will soon write more about it.
SCREENPLAYSI have so many projects going at once and it always seems that my Screenplays are the last on the list since the deadlines of of my on device - yet I do make progress even here. My Action-Adventure is... well... it's the true love of my writing life. It is just a fact of my imagination that it is taking so long to complete. It's High Concept Action-Adventure. Go figure!
Easier, and yet another long in coming screeplay is a short inspired by the great Fellini. I will finish this at month's end, and may possibly begin filming before summertime.
Two other projects are in progress at the request of clients.
AND THE COOKBOOKMajor setback. A primary contributor/chef is experiencing a medical crisis and is unable to continue in our work. And just as I was putting together the plan for the test kitchen.
Alright. That's alot going on with changes happening fast.
More to come...